2 x 23 x 99 // 32 bf
This is the quintessential live edge table with one important distinction - that being its prodigious width. No longer do you have to settle for a live edge table that is pieced together when you can have a full view of the years of intricate & beautiful growth displayed before you - one single tapestry from side to side and end to end. We search far and wide to find trees so wide to make tabletops from, and we bring them into your home for the intricate and beautiful experiences you and your family will have around them.
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Use this accordion to add info such as Materials, Sizing, Features, Shipping and Returns policies
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Frequently Asked Questions
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Use this text block to discuss some commonly asked questions like shipping and returns, sizing, warranties, or product and company details.
Use this text block to discuss some commonly asked questions like shipping and returns, sizing, warranties, or product and company details.
Use this text block to discuss some commonly asked questions like shipping and returns, sizing, warranties, or product and company details.